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Submit Event encourages our tourism partners to submit events to our calendar so those who enjoy the Curry Coast are aware of the tourism related events happening along the Curry Coast. The Calendar of Events is meant to be used for events occurring in Curry County only, and is meant for those events intended to draw visitors to the area.

Submission Rules, Terms and Conditions

The Calendar of Events page is a free service offered to the community by We reserve all rights to accept in part or entirety, to decline in part or entirety, or to add content submitted on our Calendar of Events page at our discretion, without notice or explanation. By submitting information to the calendar, the submitter agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained herein, and to waive all rights and claims as a result of submission. cannot be held responsible for any misrepresentations, inferred, deliberate, or inadvertent, reflected on the Calendar of Events page.

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